
Graphic Requirements

The primary program we utilize to execute artwork is
Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is a vector-based program. This means that the artwork is a series of distinct objects and object parts that can be selected separately and manipulated individually. Each element is presented as 1 specific color. When sending art, please send it in a vector format. We prefer receiving art in the following file types:

.AI (Adobe Illustrator)
.EPS (Encapsulated Post Script)
.PDF (Adobe Acrobat-vector PDF only)

In vector format artwork, please convert all fonts to outlines. This converts the type to individual objects and keeps the font accurate. There are several thousand different fonts in use. Some are very similar to each other with only a slight variation and a different name. Whenever possible, please provide us with the names of all fonts. If you have no way of converting the font, please fax a hard copy of the artwork to your Customer Service Representative with the purchase order. We can then look for the closest available font to match the artwork.

4-Color Process Images

Both Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator are utilized when we execute 4-color process graphics. In 4-color process work, the whole image (whether it is a photograph or a logo) is 1 unit. The various segments and elements cannot be manipulated separately. For our products that specifically utilize a 4-color process graphic, we request that all artwork be submitted as:

.PSD (Adobe Photoshop)
.JPG files at actual size at 300dpi or higher.
.TIFF files at actual size at 300dpi or higher.

Most website artwork is executed at 72dpi and is not high enough resolution for our use.

These file types are not acceptable for any use other than for 4-color process graphics. When we receive .JPG, or .TIFF formats for 1-, 2-, or 3-color imprints (logos, seals, mascots, etc.) we must entirely re-draw the artwork with each element as a separate object. Depending on the complexity of the logo, it may take extra time to re-draw. Additional art charges are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.


When photographs are supplied, please make sure to send quality images under license by your school or institution. We cannot use other images from the web without original photographer’s consent.

If you have questions regarding these artwork requirements, please contact the Spirit Products Graphics Department at info@spiritproducts.com